Hi, I'm Moniqueca.

Founder of This Is Love Work & We Dream of Baby doula services. 

As a mother of three, my personal journey has incredibly shaped my understanding of the needs and challenges faced by both mothers and doulas. Though I was already a trained doula, it was only during the birth of my third child that I fully experienced the transformative support of a birth doula and a postpartum doula. Their unwavering presence and care opened my eyes to the unspoken needs of mothers—needs that often go unexpressed due to fear, uncertainty, or the inability to articulate them.

Who We Are

A community dedicated to empowering and supporting mothers and doulas through the journey of childbirth, postpartum, and beyond. Our mission is to build a nurturing village where mothers feel seen, heard, and supported, and where doulas can share their wisdom and experiences to foster a stronger, more connected birth community.

The Why

Through my own experience, I recognized a significant gap in the trust and communication between mothers and doulas. Many mothers, like myself, struggle to ask for the help they desperately need, and doulas strive to provide comprehensive support despite these challenges. This realization inspired me to create This Is Love Work, with the goal of bridging this trust gap and fostering safe spaces for meaningful conversations and support.

What We Provide

This Is Love Work is a unique experience for mamas and doulas; we bring them together to understand the shared need.

The Doula Diaries

A collection of authentic stories from doulas and mothers, offering insights into the diverse experiences of childbirth and the invaluable support that doulas provide. These narratives aim to inspire and educate our community.

The Birthwork Directory

A comprehensive directory of doulas and birth workers, helping mothers find the right support tailored to their unique needs. This resource connects families with experienced professionals in their area.


We host various events designed to educate, empower, and connect our community. From workshops to intimate gatherings, our events provide a safe and serene environment for discussing challenging issues and sharing knowledge.


On behalf of the Love Work Scholarship Fund, donations made will go towards the full-spectrum doula education program.

Our Vision

At This Is Love Work, we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community where every mother feels empowered and every doula is recognized for their essential role. Through our resources, stories, and events, we aim to nurture connections and build a compassionate world for mothers, doulas, and families alike.

Join us in this journey of love, support, and empowerment. Together, we can make a difference, one birth at a time.